- Busco oportunidades para usar lo que se en inglés.
- Enlazo frases y oraciones usando conectores que expresan secuencia y adición.
- Lingüístico
- Pragmático
- Sociolingüístico
Realizo el proyecto de la Unidad relacionado con la temática a trabajar.
1. Unidad didáctica
Unidad 1: Animales, Articulo definido, Verbo modal CAN y superlativos.
Unidad 2: Profesiones, ocupaciones y trabajos. Presente simple
- Propósito
Apreciado estudiante el propósito de esta unidad didáctica es conocer el vocabulario de las profesiones en Inglés.
- Desarrollo cognitivo instruccional
CLARIDAD COGNITIVA: En este espacio encontraras toda la explicación acerca las profesiones en inglés, te invito a leerlo detenidamente y además puedes apoyarte en el video del siguiente link ( para mayor claridad. Good luck!
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” That’s one of the most common questions adults ask kids, and the answers are always interesting and imaginative, from astronauts to doctors, they start thinking and dreaming about jobs and what they’re going to become when they’re older.
Children tend to look for ideas for their future jobs from their relatives, their favorite characters in books or movies, and even their favorite toys. The options seem to be diverse, and it’s always a great idea to teach them vocabulary related to jobs and professions from a young age, not only to widen their vocabulary, but also to start instilling a sense of responsibility and respect towards work.
To make them more aware of the different choices there are regarding jobs and occupations, teach them a wide range of professions available in the community, and make sure they understand the value of every and each one of those jobs and how they shape their neighborhoods and cities.
Here you’ll find a list of jobs and professions that you can teach your kids. You’ll also find activities and games to further complement the lesson.